Wordless Wednesday #75

Lily of the valley @ Convallaria majalis - Bunga yang cantik dan putih berseri
tetapi hampir keseluruhan bahagian pokok dan bunganya adalah beracun!

Cantik, Putih, Berseri Tapi Beracun

Cantik, Putih, Berseri Tapi Beracun

Cantik, Putih, Berseri Tapi BeracunCantik, Putih, Berseri Tapi Beracun

Cantik, Putih, Berseri Tapi Beracun

Lily of the valley - Known by the scientific name Convallaria majalis, the lily of the valley is an herbaceous (the leaves and stems die at the end of the growing season and there's no persistent woody stem) perennial found in temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant forms large colonies by spreading underground stems and appears above ground with upright stems called pips. The lily blooms in the late spring and has white, bell-shaped, sweet-smelling flowers and small orange-red berries.

Toxicity is the plant's defense against animals eating its seeds. All parts of the plant - the stems, the leaves, the flowers and the berries are extremely poisonous and close to 40 different cardiac glycosides have been found in the plant so far. If ingested even in small amounts, the plant can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and a reduced heart rate. - Sumber 

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19 comments - "Cantik, Putih, Berseri Tapi Beracun!"

tengok pun cantik ni BM... tapi beracunlah pulak yer...

Unknown delete icon 3:55 PTG

a ah la..nmpk cantik..x sangka plak beracun yer..

cantik..tapi baracun..

Rasanya, pokok bunga ni tak tumbuh kat cuaca macam kat Malaysia kan. Bahaya juga racunnya takut budak-budak kecik kutip buat gigit-gigit.

Nurul delete icon 5:12 PTG

Memang cantik tapi sayangnya beracun plak... :)

jie susanos delete icon 7:26 PTG

emm,kalau beracun tengok je la..tapi mmg cantik..

Sebab beracun la bunga ni cantik, takde kumbang yang merosakkan..

wah baru tahu pokok tu beracun..tapi mmg cantik (f)

Unknown delete icon 8:10 PG

Jadi kena berhati2 dengan perkara2 yang indah2.. tak semestinya ia baik.. :D

memang sangat cantik...

paridah delete icon 11:46 PG

cantik sangat bunganya ya tapi berhati-hati dgn racunnya.

Zawiah delete icon 9:08 PTG

mmg cantik ... nasib baik kat sini x de .

Bukan semua yg cantik itu baik..

dek kerana beracun..ianya cantik..putih bersih keran atiasa serangga yg hinggap/ menghisap madunya

Khir Khalid delete icon 8:51 PTG

Cantik mempersona namun merbahaya...

Oh, baru tahu. Tengok macam cantik je.

Tanpa Nama delete icon 2:25 PTG


Fiza Rahman delete icon 3:47 PTG

Owh...baru tau.

Reza_ delete icon 2:54 PTG

indah banget bunganya,,
aku baru liat yang kaya gitu

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