Silent Saturday #3
1. Type "[your area] forecast"
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Google search show your area weather forecast |
2. Type "time in [your area]"
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Google search show your area time zone |
3. Type "site:[website url]"
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Google search show all your site posts |
4. Type "tilt"
Google search in tilt view
5. Type "(your math calculation)"
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Google search function as a calculator |
6. Type "Do a Barrel Roll"
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Google search spin |
7. Type "Zerg Rush"
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Your search results will be attacked and destroyed by Google o’s |
"Thank you and have a nice weekend!!"
Author by Bin Muhammad
21 comments - "7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features"
amazing! baru tau boleh buat benda2 mcm tu..
Oh.. google pun boleh main attack2 eh.. :)
hehe..jangan dok tai yg tak senonoh pulak..:)
salam.tq atas perkongsian..abe kie share kat google plus tau...
Nice sharing encik BM :)
"Confuse" ..Nway Salam Sabtu BM....
pengetahuan baru ni...tq.
Features Google ni menarik jugak. Tapi diorang takda hebah-hebahkan sangat. Mungkin diorang sajer seronok main-main eksperimen je kot. Hehe
Macam2 google boleh buat..menarik..tq BM..
Ada antaranya yang pernah Nurul buat.. Happy wknd BM :D
menarik... macam-macam boleh buat yer...
Wah.. Baru tahu.. Menarik! ;D
nak try!
info menarik..tq BM..
Google search ( cuba taip ikut spt arahan diatas dan lihat hasilnya!
Banyak lagi trick yang diorang buat ni
Baru ku tau.
hehe...seronok pula dok cuba benda yang saya tak penah tahu ni
yang Zerg Rush tu paling best! =)
Dapat ilmu lagi bertandang ke sini. Terima kasih BM.
ilmu ilmu ilmu.. tapi mama tak faham satu pun.. hihih
Coretan anda amat-amat dihargai. Terima kasih bersama 'Relaks Minda - ilmu dikongsi bersama' - “Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran Wa Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza”