Silent Saturday #3

Have fun with some tricks and hidden features 
using google search.

1. Type "[your area] forecast"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Google search show your area weather forecast

2. Type "time in [your area]"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Google search show your area time zone

3. Type "site:[website url]"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Google search show all your site posts

4. Type "tilt"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Google search in tilt view

5. Type "(your math calculation)"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Google search function as a calculator

6. Type "Do a Barrel Roll"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Google search spin

7. Type "Zerg Rush"
7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features
Your search results will be attacked and destroyed by Google o’s 

"Thank you and have a nice weekend!!"

Author by Bin Muhammad

21 comments - "7 Google Tricks And Hidden Features"

amazing! baru tau boleh buat benda2 mcm tu..

Oh.. google pun boleh main attack2 eh.. :)

hehe..jangan dok tai yg tak senonoh pulak..:)


Abam Kie delete icon 7:28 PG

salam.tq atas perkongsian..abe kie share kat google plus tau...

Nice sharing encik BM :)

Blog Santai delete icon 10:48 PG

"Confuse" ..Nway Salam Sabtu BM....

paridah delete icon 11:25 PG

pengetahuan baru ni...tq.

Features Google ni menarik jugak. Tapi diorang takda hebah-hebahkan sangat. Mungkin diorang sajer seronok main-main eksperimen je kot. Hehe

Macam2 google boleh buat..menarik..tq BM..

Ada antaranya yang pernah Nurul buat.. Happy wknd BM :D

ZaridaIshak delete icon 2:47 PTG

menarik... macam-macam boleh buat yer...

Tanpa Nama delete icon 3:07 PTG

Wah.. Baru tahu.. Menarik! ;D

nak try!

Tanpa Nama delete icon 11:11 PTG

info menarik..tq BM..

BinMuhammad delete icon 9:13 PTG

Google search ( cuba taip ikut spt arahan diatas dan lihat hasilnya!

Wafi Remli delete icon 7:40 PG

Banyak lagi trick yang diorang buat ni

Fiza Rahman delete icon 11:50 PG

Baru ku tau.

Yana Yani delete icon 2:30 PTG

hehe...seronok pula dok cuba benda yang saya tak penah tahu ni
yang Zerg Rush tu paling best! =)

Dapat ilmu lagi bertandang ke sini. Terima kasih BM.

ilmu ilmu ilmu.. tapi mama tak faham satu pun.. hihih

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